Return to Parlamondo interactive Talking Globe
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  1 of 1 people found this review helpful:
5 of 5 Could not be more pleased September 26, 2023
Reviewer: Anonymous Person from Murray, KY United States  
Amazing!.  Bought it for a 5 year-old but even his 3 year-old sister is using it and doing great!  Speed of delivery was incredibly fast.  Highly recommended!

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  0 of 0 people found this review helpful:
5 of 5 Interactive Talking Globe June 20, 2023
Reviewer: Boyce Valentine from Henderson, NV United States  
I bought this globe for my 6 year old Grandson, he is quite high functioning, and has spent several sessions with the globe and continues with it often. A very valuable tool in preparing him for his future.

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  0 of 0 people found this review helpful:
5 of 5 Interactive globe January 27, 2023
Reviewer: Anne Jones  
Globe is enjoyed by the entire family.

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5 of 5 Excellent! September 23, 2021
Reviewer: Kelli Bair from Victor, NY United States  
This globe is so great! I love all the features and how easy it is to use. I got it for my very inquisitive four year old and it’s so easy for her to use the pen to figure out the names of the countries, and it has a lot of features she can grow into, too!

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5 of 5 Talking globe January 15, 2021
Reviewer: Janet from Northwood, ND United States  
The order came earlier than stated. This globe is fantastic! It was a gift for my grandchild starting school. The whole family thought it was great. Can’t say enough good things about this product!

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5 of 5 Good Investment January 15, 2021
Reviewer: Debra S from RUSSIA, OH United States  
We purchased this globe for our grandson.  He loves it.  Hopefully his brother and sister will too.

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  2 of 3 people found this review helpful:
5 of 5 I got it, it works, I'm Happy November 18, 2019
Reviewer: Trisha from Texas  
Kudo's on the fast delivery. Well packaged and in good shape. The only issue I had was the instructions for the pen said light turns green when charging is complete. Your customer service sent me the updated instructions that show the light actually goes off when charged. I see you also posted them on your site. We love the other language options, gives me hope on learning Italian. Thank you.

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